After 25 years of leading Giles & Liew Chartered Accountants, it’s time to step down as Managing Director, and to appoint my daughter Kylie Liew to the role.
After the dramatic tax announcements in March 2021, particularly in regards to the new 39% tax rate, extension of the Brightline rules to ten years and the progressive phasing out […]
The IRD is raising concerns about personal expenses being claimed as business deductions, and they may request documentation to support your expense claims. We can help ensure your claims are valid and withstand IRD scrutiny. Don’t be caught unprepared – contact us if you have any concerns about your expense claims. Proper record keeping is essential for tax compliance and avoiding audits.
The bill to double sick leave entitlement in New Zealand has passed! This article explains the new law, including when it takes effect and how it applies to existing employees.
As seems to have become somewhat of a Christmas tradition, it is with great pleasure that I announce two new additions to our leadership team. Melissa Foster and Rohit Prasad have been appointed Directors of Giles & Liew, joining Lorren Kilgour, Kylie Liew and myself as we lead our business and that of our clients through unprecedented times.
Some important changes to Trust legislation have been made, with the New Zealand Trusts Act 2019 coming into force from 30 January 2021. Some of the key changes to be aware of are as follows:
As we come to the close of what has been a huge year for Giles & Liew in 2019, I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce another exciting addition […]
Did you buy land with the intention to sell?
If you bought land with the intention to sell, expect to pay tax on the profits. It doesn’t matter how long you own the property prior to sale, the intention test overrides other land taxing provisions including the bright-line test for residential land. There are, however, exclusions for the family home and for business premises.
It is with great pride that I write to you with news of the appointment of my daughter Kylie Liew as a fellow Director of Giles & Liew Chartered Accountants.I founded Giles & Liew back in 1997 out of a desire to balance a career with family