Terminal Student Loan Repayment
Auckland , New ZealandFor those (without a tax agent) with a December balance date For those (with tax agent) with an October balance date
For those (without a tax agent) with a December balance date For those (with tax agent) with an October balance date
For those (without a tax agent) with a January balance date For those (with a tax agent) with a November balance date
For those (with no tax agent) with a February balance date For those (with a tax agent) with a December balance date
For those (with no tax agent) with balance date between 1 March and 30 September For those (with a tax agent) with a January balance date
For those (with a tax agent) with a February balance date
For those (with a tax agent) with balance dates between 1 March and 30 September
2017 end-of-year income tax due for clients of tax agents (with valid extension time)