We are excited to offer a new way for you to send and receive correspondence in a secure manner without the need to print any paper. The new initiative is the Giles & Liew Secure Client Portal and will help us collaborate with you throughout the financial year.
To help further understand how this will work for you – please click on the link to see a brief video on the features of The Portal. This is a FREE service for our clients and is entirely secure between yourselves and the practice.
Video on How the Portal works for You
Documents are more secure on the portal because it requires a login and the information is encrypted when shared through the portal. It can also be accessed from anywhere that you have online access.
How to use your Client Portal:
To access the Giles & Liew Client Portal click here. For more information on what you can do with your Client Portal and how to use it click here.
Please let us know if you would also like a copy of your financials and tax returns to be sent to the portal for your reference. Any documents sent to you are stored permanently in your portal so you can easily refer back to information from previous periods. You can also use the portal to send through documents we require for end of financial year.
If you would like to have a secure online Client Portal setup please let us know and we can action this for you. We look forward to hearing your feedback on how helpful you have found using the Client Portal. We will continue to implement features through the portal in the coming months including document approvals which will allow you to sign documents electronically.