Bean Blog | Cash Flow Forecasting The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Financial Growth & Stability

Cash Flow Forecasting The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Financial Growth & Stability

May 30, 2024
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End of Financial Year Tax Time Guide

March 18, 2024

The 2024 tax year-end is approaching! Ensure a smooth transition for your New Zealand business with our essential guide. Discover last minute tax tips, checklists, and tax changes coming to maximise deductions, save tax and set your business up for success for FY25. Don’t let tax season stress you out – let our guide empower you for a successful year-end!

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Tax Alert – Post Election Update

October 18, 2023

New Zealand Post-Election Update: Understand tax changes expected as a result of the 2023 General Election.

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COVID-19 Government Assistance 2021

August 25, 2021
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39 Percent Tax Rate Change

New 39% Tax Rate – What Next?

March 23, 2021

The new 39% marginal rate that applies to all employment income over $180,000 is now in force. Consider how the new rate will affect you and your business. The 39% […]

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Cash flow tips for New Zealand Businesses

5 Ways to Improve your Cash flow

January 15, 2021

What is Cash Flow? Cash flow refers to the movement of money in your business, flowing in from revenue streams such as sales and flowing out through payments for expenses and asset purchases.

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Business Resilience and resistance

Is your business resilient or resistant?

January 14, 2021

I believe is that there is a resilient group of entrepreneurs who are rethinking the way business is done, questioning old assumptions and pivoting and transforming their businesses to service a new era of consumers. 

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Christmas Parties and Presents on a Budget

Christmas parties and presents on a budget

December 1, 2020

It’s been a financial rollercoaster of a year for most Kiwi businesses. Christmas time invites us to pause and celebrate what’s gone right and to thank the people we have […]

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Get business costs under control - Giles & Liew Chartered Accountants

Smart ways to get your business costs under control

September 30, 2020

Cashflow has been a big issue for thousands of businesses this year, and when the money’s not rolling in, it can help to rethink your costs. To do it effectively involves more than just keeping an eye on outgoings. It’s about looking at all the moving parts of your business to see if your systems (or lack of) are costing you unnecessarily.

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Burning Questions NZ SMEs are asking - Giles & Liew Chartered Accountants

Burning Questions NZ SMEs are asking

September 30, 2020

This time last year, you might have been pondering Christmas bonuses or booking your summer holiday, but with a completely different business landscape in front of us, your head is no doubt filled with different questions. Here we explore four common topics keeping Kiwi business owners up at night.

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